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1:52 pm - Saturday, May. 31, 2003
Do you believe in coincedence? I dont.

But what to call it? I still say coincedence, because the use of any other word would mean me explaining my non-belief in coincedences to everyone, including strangers. So until I think of a replacement word, it will remain coincedence.

But what DO I think it is, I here you cry? Well I was just considering that myself. I am a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason, everything is linked, quantum physics teaches us this. And after reading "The Celestine Prophecy" for a long time I believed that chance meetings and catching people's eye had meaning to it. It was showing you that you can learn something from these people. I questioned this when I realised that you can learn something from everyone. We are all learning, all the time; from life.

Maybe its Serendipity?

But which "coincedences" are the important ones? or are they all of equal value? For example, last week I went to a formal dance. The singer in the live band was a guy who I had a major crush on when I was about 5 years old. I havnt seen him since I was 12. I thought it was chance that he was the singer, but then last night, he was out at a local club that I regularly visit. Now I have taken 2 chance meetings in 2 weeks as a *sign* that I should say something to him. (I didnt .. too shy, but I still should). But is that *sign* more or less important that when I looked at the Dvd counter and clock it read 21:21 (9:21pm) and the DVD read 1:21 1:21:21 (Disk:Chapter.. Hour:Min:Sec) all with 21. Or that 2 mins ago I was reading someones diary where it mentions ghostbusters the film, and at the same time, on comes a trailer for the film. A film that hasnt been screened for about a decade. Are all these things equally important? Or do they have no importance what-so-ever? If they are important.. what do they mean? And will I ever stop saying the word important? I dont think so!


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